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A Study on the Perception of Official Document Literacy and Archival Literacy

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2017, v.34 no.3, pp.125-150

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The study seeks to establish a theoretical basis for extending the accessibility and availability of records to the public area. For the purpose, the study links the target and scope of archival literacy with official document literacy and proves the relationship between the elements of archival literacy and official public literacy. The literature reviews and survey comparing public officers and undergraduates are conducted. The results of the survey are as follow; public officers with official document literacy showed higher the degree of actual use and awareness than undergraduates; awareness was higher than the degree of actual use in all questions and factors; all correlations showed a positive correlation. In the public officers group, the correlation between ‘communication as public officers’ and ‘analytical concepts’ (0.626) was the highest, In the undergraduates group, the correlation between ‘communication as the public’ and ‘analytical concepts’ (0.561) was the highest, As a whole, the respondents show the highest correlation between ‘communication as the public’ and ‘analytical concepts’ (0.563); As a result, the group with official document literacy is more aware of the homogeneity between official document literacy and archival literacy.

공문서 리터러시, 기록정보 리터러시, 공공 리터러시, official document literacy, archival literacy, public literacy



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management