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An Analysis on the Success Factors of International Journal by Institution: With a Special Regard to the Case of the ETRI Journal

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2015, v.32 no.3, pp.361-375

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This study analyzes in various aspects the success factors in the development of the ETRI Journal which has been published by the Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea, as an example case international journal by the institution. The results show that it ould be enlisted in SCI within 3 years after preparing the works for enlisting in it based on the supports from ETRI as well as the cooperation from members of the institution. From the first year 1996 when preparing the enlisting in SCI, the numbers of the articles published in each issue have been increased, and the members in ETRI have cooperated to publish their articles in the journal and cite the articles from the journal in their own articles and proceedings. The case of ETRI Journal shows that the journal published by institution can, in the first stage of its publication, take full advantage of its characteristics as an institution, if it can gain the cooperations both from the institution and its members.

국제학술지, 학술지 국제화, 한국전자통신연구원, international journal, internationalization of journal, ETRI journal, SCI, ETRI



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management