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A Study on Revitalizing the Use of Korean Public Data: Focused on Linked Open Data Strategy

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2014, v.31 no.4, pp.249-266

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In South Korea, systems related to the provision of public data were recently implemented. As a result, policy changes have been made that are headed in the direction of actively providing open access to data held by public institutions, such as government agencies and local municipalities. The purpose of the open I will be divided into two broad. To ensure the transparency of government operations, and is intended to satisfy the right to know the people. The other one is to create national interest by utilizing the public data as one country endowment assets. In this study, we analyze the open situation of public data, were presented the improvement measures. Range of research, the public data that local government owns, to determine to have a central information and other limitations and characteristics, Seoul the beginning to the seventeen regional support municipality 228 that you have held for city districts were census. According to the research results, local governments, themselves produced, is a relatively reluctant to disclosure and understanding of the list of public data that are holdings. According to the research results, local governments, themselves produced, is a relatively reluctant to disclosure and understanding of the list of public data that are holdings, also emphasizes the conservative value than take advantage of value have had. Therefore, it was determined that there is a need to resolve several issues through disclosure via a linked data format as a strategy to increase the openness and utilization of local public data.

local public data, linked open data, government policy, 지역공공데이터, 링크드 오픈 데이터, 정부정책



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management