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An Analysis of a Working Diary Log of Public Libraries Considering the Library Evaluation

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2009, v.26 no.3, pp.417-434

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Statistics items required by National Library Statistics System are based on data for library evaluation and policy making of library management from a theoretical standpoint. However, It is realized there are differences between Statistics items required by National Library Statistics System and those can be collected at the field of public libraries. In accordance with this point, this paper contained an analysis of a working diary log of public libraries as a basic material able to collect data at the field of public libraries and also surveyed the present usage situation of Library Management Program able to automatically collect data to recognize that National Library Statistics is reliably or validly objective data. An analysis data of this research will be a basic material to plan the standard guide of a working diary log of public libraries from now on.

도서관 운영, 도서관 평가, 국가도서관통계시스템, 공공도서관 업무일지 항목, library management, library evaluation, National Library Statistics System, working diary log of public libraries, library management, library evaluation, National Library Statistics System, working diary log of public libraries



문화체육관광부. 국가도서관통계시스템. http://www.libsta.go.kr/index.do.


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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management